How to create an outstanding management
strategy for your business
Want to know how successful leaders supercharge their management strategies?
Twiga Group knows the key is for business leaders to co-design change and not just accept
generic recommendations from consultants.
Helping leaders to design innovative and workable plans to deliver the change they want is an
area in which Twiga Group excels.
Jo Smyth, Managing Director of Twiga Group, said management contribution and co-design is a
key step in ensuring expert consultants can help create strategies for successful change based on
‘leading practice’.“
Successful change needs to be people-led, not consultant or project driven. It involves design
thinking. Leaders need to be an integral part of the process. It’s not case of ‘doing it to a business’
or doing it all for them. Great consultants help leaders make the change themselves.
Ms Smyth said that creating a successful strategy is just the first step in the process.
“Businesses can end up wasting money and time on ideas that never see the light of day. We
ensure that every strategy we help a business create not only has a great implementation plan,
but a highly skilled team to successfully execute it,” Ms Smyth said.
“It doesn’t matter how great a strategy is, if nothing is done with it, it’s a waste of time, money and
often other resources. Often, it’s just one too many things for over-stretched team to deliver.”
Teams are sometimes also being asked to work outside their skill set to deliver a strategy they
haven’t had input into. Without the buy-in they are less committed to completing the work – or
even knowing exactly what is needed.
Partially completed work moves further and further down the pile and change is put on hold –
sometimes permanently.
“After seeing the same scenario many times, we decided to offer our clients access to a suite of
specialist consultants who can help them to deliver results without the business needing to
interrupt core operations.
“We not only work with leaders to help them to co-design and deliver the change they want, we
bring them the skills and capability they need, while they focus on what they need to keep their
business running smoothly.”
Twiga Group uses human-centred design techniques to explore culture, accelerate change and
solve complex problems while exploring team dynamics. Our expert consultants specialise in
innovative strategy development, culture and leadership for organisations spanning the corporate,
commercial and for-purpose sectors.