Twiga News

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Why Australian businesses need to build a social contract with their people

What if the key to creating connected, high performing teams was as easy as involving staff in the process of developing agreements on how best to work together? Turns out it is.

Australian organisations can benefit by creating a ‘social contract’ to help attract and retain staff and develop high performing teams – and Twiga Group is leading the way in this innovative practice.

Twiga Group Managing Director Jo Smyth said creating a social contract meant ways of working are grounded in trust, not control, and are created by teams for teams. This results in improved culture and creates high performing teams.

“When the team can define how they will work together, with agreed behaviours and attitudes, it encourages commitment and collaboration. It leads to connected, high trust, high performance teams.

“When it is driven by the team, in plain language that’s visual and accessible, the team takes ownership and feels more engaged in processes,” Ms Smyth said.

Twiga Group uses human-centred design techniques to help employees share past experiences to inform their desired future team experience.

We determine what has worked well, what didn’t work and the opportunities or ideas yet to be explored. We organise that information into logical groups or themes to draw out patterns of behaviour to further explore.

“We then work with the teams to create plain language statements which go to the heart of the team ways of working and develop agreed messages, behaviours and actions”.

This process can result in much higher performing teams, better culture and an improvement to business processes.

Twiga Group expert consultants specialise in innovative strategy development, culture and leadership for organisations spanning the corporate, commercial and for-purpose sectors.

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