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Design thinking is a problem-solving approach

Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that is based on empathy, experimentation and creativity. It is a process that involves understanding the needs of the user, generating ideas, prototyping and testing. The design thinking approach is not just for designers; it can be used by anyone who wants to solve problems in a creative and collaborative way. 

We facilitated a workshop with a government strategy team wanting to progress the development of a culture plan that is contemporary and supports their future workplace. 

At the end of the workshop, we asked participants two questions: what surprised you, and what is the one+ action you will take as a result of today? The responses were insightful and inspiring. 

The team was genuinely surprised at the incredible results that were achieved in a short period of time. Participants were amazed at how quickly they were able to generate plans with concrete, doable actions. This is a testament to the power of design thinking and the effectiveness of collaborative problem-solving. 

Another surprise was how quickly and easily the groups were able to work together and come up with great ideas. This shows that when people are given the right tools and a supportive environment, they can achieve amazing things. 

Participants were also surprised by how much they were able to brainstorm and ideate in the time given. This is a reminder that time constraints can sometimes be beneficial in focusing the mind and generating ideas. 

When we asked participants what the one+ action they will take as a result of the workshop, the responses were equally inspiring. Some participants said they would have more conversations about culture, while others said they would get more people involved in problem-solving. Others said they would seek out opportunities for growth and development, while others would ask more questions and lean into new ways of working. 

These responses demonstrate that the design thinking process brings out the best in people. It helps people to think creatively and collaboratively, and to come up with solutions that are both practical and innovative. It is a process that empowers people to take action and make a positive impact in their organisations and communities. 

Design thinking is a powerful approach that can bring out the best in people. It is an engaging and collaborative process that promotes creativity, collaboration and problem-solving. So why not give it a try and see what surprises and actions you can uncover?

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